dimanche 24 août 2014

canada: feel the earth

The mythology of the Far North still has a bright future ahead of it. Forests to infinity, huskies, lakes thousands, igloos, salmon returning to rivers, whales and bears, beavers, lumberjacks and seaplanes ... this stereotypical imagery (but true) in Canada has never been as rooted in European minds today ... 
For if there is a long time that backpackers have discovered Canada, there are fewer long as they roam the other "Wild West" where stands immutable, snowy barrier of the Rocky Mountains. Fir trees line the landscape far reaches of the Far North, where the summer sun shines seems refuse to fold. In Canada, the man bows to nature: he learned to live with his enthusiasm to better appreciate the rugged beauty that captivates by its immensity. 
In Canada, during the winter, snow galore takes all the land of a white padded: you can ski breathlessly. Spring comes, whose sweetness revive forests. The green chlorophyll infused landscapes, announcing the carpet of flowers of summer in the mountains. On the coast, the orcs back, sailing squeezed in with kayaks, while whales crossed to Alaska. In the fall, finally, maples and birches ignite the hills of their incandescent palette. 
Settlers on the ranches of Alberta or the Rocky Mountain national parks, meeting with the Great West will live up to your expectations.

venice: feel the life

Venice has the unique ability, what the cities of legend, causing astonishment every time we go back. No cliche will never make the atmosphere of winding streets, its squares, its canals and churches. 
Venice, La Serenissima, is a city born from the sea and facing the sea, who always knew how to fight to preserve its independence. Of this glorious past, she kept palaces and old houses which today are all museums that reflect its distinctive past. 
Venice is the charm almost every street corner, a strange mix between deja vu and wonder of discovery, the postcard and the hint, a big dip in the Middle Ages and up 'at his table, a real carnival for the taste buds! 
So take the time to explore, leave the crowd. Get lost! Sacrifice your sense of direction on the altar of resourcefulness, you may come across as Corto Maltese, Commissioner Brunetti or Casanova disappointed to have lost his damsel to the output of a museum ... Go to Venice in winter, in fog, in snow or when the ping Bora ... Return here in the spring and fall, when these popular celebrations and laughing that seal, since the dawn of time, love the Serenissima has with the sea.

india:world of magic

North India, the eternal, the elephants and the palaces of Maharajas, the sadhus and Jain temples, colorful festivals and the Taj Mahal, India is also megalopolis indescribable mix of medieval and modern, with its processions of misery and jams! 
Ethnic groups in large quantities, a few thousand years of history of religions want you here, sacred cows every street corner unveil India such wealth and such diversity that you will be amazed not intact! 

Kerala Bollywood, South Indian cinema you will! It is especially the magnificent landscapes of Kerala, paddy fields, palm trees, tropical vegetation, animal reserves, but also the beaches of sight, Dravidian palaces, elephants and colorful saris, the very kitchen spicy. 
South India is also Bombay, the capital of Indian cinema, which provides thousands of fans an impressive number of masala films and Madurai, the capital of Hindu pilgrimage, the oldest and most cited holy South, which contains one of the most fascinating temples of the country. There is so much wealth there is only one trip is not enough.

espana is just front of you

Il n’existe pas une Espagne, mais plusieurs. Sans entrer dans le débat politique sur l’autonomie de telle ou telle région, le voyageur qui traverse la péninsule ibérique pourra constater l’extraordinaire diversité de l'Espagne, un pays qui vit, depuis la fin du franquisme, un renouveau éclatant et une modernisation à grande vitesse.
Diversité des paysages, des cultures, des langues (castillan, catalan, basque), des terroirs et des villes. L’Espagne s’offre à tous les goûts : laissons de côté les plages envahies l’été et la Costa del Sol bétonnée par les complexes hôteliers. Aventurons-nous plutôt dans l’intérieur du pays, superbe et naturel, prodigue en paysages saisissants, en monuments splendides, en modes de vie passionnants…
Pour cela, il suffit parfois de s’éloigner d’une dizaine de kilomètres des foules. Découvrir Salamanque, la petite Rome espagnole, ou Tolède la belle médiévale perchée sur son promontoire. Parcourir le rude plateau de Castille, de Ségovie à Léon, à la découverte de magnifiques cathédrales et d’extraordinaires musées. Goûter à la spécificité de l’âme catalane et à ses trésors artistiques, de Dalí à Gaudí en passant par Tapiès et Miró. Prendre le chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle pour admirer les beautés de la rurale Galice, aussi verdoyante que la terre des Basques, à laquelle ils sont tant attachés. Ou, enfin, un soir de fête à Séville, Madrid ou Barcelone, succomber à cet éclatant bonheur de vivre qui est la marque du pays tout entier. Car les nuits y sont souvent plus intenses que les jours.
Vous l’aurez compris, il faut partir à la rencontre de ses habitants, fréquenter ses bodegas et se régaler de sa cuisine, car l’Espagne est un pays à vivre. Elle n’est pas seulement diverse, elle est inépuisable !

argentina is waiting your visit

Tango, gauchos, Pampa, Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia, Maradona, Eva Perón, Fangio, Borges ... So many evocative names of Argentina. The name Argentina comes from the Latin argentum, meaning "silver", plata in Spanish. At the time of the conquest, the use of the name was extended to designate an area at the mouth of the river discovered by Solis, later called Rio de la Plata because of the proliferation of silver objects offered by indigenous to the conquistadores. 
When following the finger on a world map the contours of Argentina, we already feel and taste the magic of adventure invade. From the Andes to the Iguazu Falls, passing on the steppes of Patagonia and the Atlantic coast, while Argentina has a theatrical dimension. Early explorers to modern tourists, to the adventurous, all made on the land side of the world ... the ultimate journey of confrontation with the land and the spirit of Latin America. No wonder the tango was born there.
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tunisia is the best

Integral part of the Maghreb, Tunisia is still too often trapped images-postcards that haunt the imagination (exotic beaches, ruins edifying, desert solitude ...), as many clichés synonymous with successful holiday. 
Guardian of a delicate balance between modernity and tradition, Tunisia still offers a thousand and one ways to discover its other facets. The traveler can then easily follow fugitive impressions of civilizations that have succeeded on the landscape and shaped them: the Phoenicians who founded Carthage, the Romans, who destroyed it all and colonized North Africa, Byzantines, Arabs, Andalusians, Turks and Italians and French. 
Tunisia offers history, but any short landscapes landscapes: the diversity of coasts was matched only shades of Djebel or the desert. Rainy mountains Kroumirie the first dunes of the Sahara through the plains of the Sahel, Tunisia is a land of encounter, a crossroads of civilizations. Remember Hamilcar, of St. Augustine, Ibn Khaldun, Barbarossa ... 

In tourist areas (Grand Tunis, coastal area, island of Djerba, tourist areas in the governorates of Tozeur and Kebili), the security situation is satisfactory. 
Apart from these tourist areas, greater vigilance is required. The Department of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel in the Deep South of Tunisia, particularly the Algerian border (with the exception of the tourist area of "mountain oasis") and Libya. Travel in the Sahara region are subject to approval. 
Because of social movements, avoid driving by the road in the governorates of Gafsa, Kasserine and Sidi Bouzid, and focus on air travel. Curfews are sometimes effective.

visiting japan.is started now

Too far, too expensive, too inaccessible, for a long time, Japan has been likened to a kind of planet Mars in the Far East. A fascinating archipelago, a highly refined civilization, a distant star, appealing, but unaffordable. 
With falling airfares and the growing strength of the euro since 2000 (the exchange rate has become favorable for European travelers), everything changed. It is possible to travel to Japan in backpacker, with a small to medium budget. Add to that the will of the Ministry of Tourism of Japan to open the country to a new more economical tourism. 
Megacities first: Tokyo, the largest city in the world, an electric urban world, fast-paced, sparkling. Kyoto, the ancient imperial capital, a city of art and geishas, tea and ikebana. Nara, artistic and religious cradle, spiritual city of monks, aristocracy and Buddhism, but Nikko perched high in the mountains, Kamakura to the seaside, Hakone door of Mount Fuji, the majestic symbol of Japan, see the spring when the cherry blossoms bloom. 

Connected to the archipelago of high technology reserve all new, this is especially the kingdom of robots! It is also the land of manga and video games. The nature lovers will not be disappointed either. As soon as one moves away from the coast, we find an almost savage Japan: mountains with slopes covered with forests, snow-capped volcanoes, mountain lakes. 
And what about the hot springs, famous onsen? This is the ultimate in Japanese etiquette.

let's go to malysia

Tired of Thailand? Singapore already? You can explore the very multicultural Malaysia and discover Southeast Asia from a new angle. 
Whether you prefer relaxing on the beaches of Langkawi and you eat like a king in paradise for gourmets Penang, there is plenty to see and do, so here are six must-see places when you go in Malaysia. 

1 Langkawi 
Tax haven, Langkawi is a popular destination for honeymooners who want luxury hotels and secluded sandy beaches. But even with a small budget, you still have many options. Get on the cable car and cross the suspension bridge for a spectacular view of the island and the Machincang mountain or spend the afternoon you splash in the natural pools at the top of the waterfall Telaga Tuju

2 Penang 
Stroll through the streets of Penang, before crumbling storefronts Chinese shops and homes paraneken in search of some of the most famous graffiti world. Cool off with a cold bowl of cendol, a Malaysian dessert made from coconut milk and green jelly noodles, one of the many dishes that have made Penang know in the world of gastronomy.

3 Cameron Highlands 
Want to do anything but lazy? Well go to Cameron Highlands. Visit the butterfly farm, or cross the jungle to discover more than 700 unusual species of flora and fauna. Take a break while sipping one of the best tea from South Asia to the Boh Tea Plantation, with a scone and fresh strawberries, grown on site.

china -good to see it-

Discover China 
Asian Eastern countries, China has a large variety of landscapes. The relief of the North is shaped by mountains and deserts Taklamakan and Gobi. In contrast, the south and east are dotted with hills and alluvial plains. The country is crossed by several rivers including the Yangtze and the Yellow River. The climate of China is varied. The north is mostly dry with hot summers and cold winters, while the south has a subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters. If you go on vacation in China, focus on the fall and spring. 

Visiting China 

A trip to China offers a change of scenery in the midst of a generous nature. Indeed, this destination has many natural sites: the Elephant Trunk Hill in Guilin, the Mount of Sleeping Beauty (Xi Shan) and the Stone Forest (Shilin) in Yunnan, etc. During their stay in China, also admire the grandeur of the Middle Kingdom through the Great Wall or the Summer Palace, buildings constructed hand men. Before enjoying a unique cuisine, a cultural tour to museums in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong is required: Art Museum, History Museum, Museum of urbanism ... 

Looking for route discovery to visit China? 

China is a destination for everyone! During your trip to China, complete a circuit across the country, from Canton to Yunnan, via Beijing and Suzhou. Tiananmen Square in Beijing, famous for its monuments and museums, is a must. Your stay in China will also have the opportunity to rub shoulders with a different culture and discover the birthplace of Taoism and Confucianism. In addition, nature lovers will be introduced to the art of gardening in China during their stay by visiting Suzhou where the finest classical gardens in the country.

veitnam .make it your next target

Ruined and devastated by 30 years of fighting for independence, a prisoner unsuitable for the bureaucracy out of the doldrums, Vietnam seemed abandoned to the shadows of history and current events. 
Was he one day out of his long silence? Defeating the paralysis? He had driven from its soil two powerful armies (the French and the Americans), and he could not overcome poverty. 
Today, the closed oyster Asia Southeast opens to the outside world. The patient starts walking. A miracle? No, only a recovery. Although democracy is still a taboo subject ...
Vietnam is a beautiful country with a geographic shape draws the shape of a dragon, a symbol of strength and benefits, in the Far East. There, everything is flooded rice fields under the sun, bamboo hedges and conical hats. Images of Eternal Asia, miraculously preserved, intact, simple, rustic same. A trip here is still an adventure, as the infrastructure is sometimes minimal. 
From Halong Bay to the Mekong Delta, to Hanoi city with a unique colonial architecture, and Ho Chi Minh City, the great city of the South, do not expect a quiet trip if you are looking for clichés and ease. 
Vietnam comeback. Yet, everything is changing very quickly, in a kind of impatience, recklessness same, wanting to make up for lost time. Vietnam is it the dawn of a new destiny? Better than that, there is already immersed.

french is a good destination

France, French Republic in the long form, is a unitary constitutional republic with a parliamentary system to presidential trend, which most of the territory and the population is located in Western Europe, but also includes several regions and territories spread across the world (including the largest area in South America). Its capital Paris, official language is French and the euro currency. Its motto is "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," and its flag has three red and white vertical stripes blue respectively. His anthem La Marseillaise.

France is the world's most visited by foreign tourists with nearly 82 million visits in 2,007,172 countries, but the third country in the world for tourism receipts internationalN 41.172. The tourism sector in 2005 accounted for nearly 900,000 direct jobs and at least as many jobs indirectsb 14 More than 1.3 billion overnight stays were made ​​by tourists in France 2007172, part in 3,178,000 secondary residences paysI 17 the reasons for this are varied tourism: it is at once a cultural tourism (including Paris) b 15 seaside (including Coast Azurb 15) 15 naturelb , Business (Paris is the world's destination for this type of tourismeb 15), leisure (Disneyland Paris is by far the park's busiest attractions Europe173) and winter sports (in the Alps North notammentc 3). The most popular paid tourist sites are the majority in the Île-de-France (Disneyland Paris, Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Palace of Versailles ...) 174; some provincial sites still attract many tourists, as the castles of the Loire, Mont Saint-Michel, Rocamadour, Château Haut-Kœnigsbourg the Unterlinden Museum of Colmar, the Centre Pompidou-Metz or Park Futuroscope174.

travel to england why??????????????

Britain is only thirty miles from our shores, but already this inlet takes Atlantic paces. The French who landed for the first time on the "other side" is invariably homesick. Landscapes of England disclaim any palette of green, contrasting with the red street furniture! Fake fire hearths decorating the nice ladies who call you honey or darling, all merit qualifiers quaint and cozy (quaint and cozy). 
Net lawns and sidewalks, houses and pampered, England gardens there is only the sky as the British forgot to repaint. Everyone has the space to live, even if the British population, as numerous as the French population, has less than half the total area. Let yourself be charmed by an entirely different way of life and by the famous British phlegm is not a legend usurped! 
British youth has cracked - this is more fifties - Victorian austerity and respectability that bound for over a century. By cohabit the most extravagant looks and bowler hat, Great Britain and England have evolved. Much has changed and at the same time, nothing has completely disappeared. England already considers the Beatles, as the Indian Empire, belong to the past. But at Eton, children go to school always tail-coats.

how to prepare for travel

  1. Check the visa requirements for your destination. Countries participating in the Visa Waiver Program do not require citizens of reciprocating countries to pre-arrange a visa, but other countries may require a visa to be in your passport before you arrive.

  1. Check for immunization recommendations. You may need to begin immunization injections many months in advance. Immunizations are usually optional but recommended for tourist travel in certain parts of the world. For some countries you need no immunizations at all

things are important to do in morocco

directly this thing is visiting taroudant

Stepping into this walled market town in the middle of the Souss Valley is like taking a ride in Dr Who’s time-travelling Tardis. Taroudant is just like a Berber town of old, with stalls at the weekly market weighed down with spices, and a ramshackle souk filled with jewellery and carpets. Plus, it’s easy to get here – it’s about an hour’s drive from Agadir.

morocco is a good choice

A break from the norm

Morocco’s introduction to the mainstream holiday market in the late Nineties added a new genre to the library of world travel. Suddenly, holidays were scented with spice rather than sun cream, and the soundtrack of waves was remixed with calls to prayer.


Today, more than eight million tourists come to the country every year in search of a beach break with a twist. Most people choose Agadir as their base, and for good reason. The stretch of coast here unravels for six miles and basks in 300 days of sunshine a year. The city itself eases you in to Moroccan culture gently by offering up European-style cafes and smart hotels alongside its bustling souks and Moroccan restaurants. Agadir is also close to the shape-shifting sands of the Saharan desert. And, the dramatic High Atlas Mountain range is about four hours’ drive away.


Head a little further north from the mountains, meanwhile, and you’ll reach Marrakech. The highlight of this chaotic city is the market place in Jemaa el-Fna square. Even if you don’t have an eye to buy it’s still worth a visit. You’re likely to see bejewelled belly dancers and snake charmers cajoling cobras from wicker baskets.


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